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Julia Maesa

Died A.D. 223 - 226?

Julia Maesa Died A.D. 223 - 226?

Julia Maesa was the very talented and wealthy sister of Julia Domna. The Severan dynasty produced an abundance of ambitious women who excelled in the arts of politics. Julia Maesa took over leadership of the family after Julia Domna's suicide. The emperor Macrinus recognized her power and tried to eliminate her influence and the threat she posed to his reign by banishing her from Rome, although she was allowed to keep her fortune. She organized a rebellion amongst the Syrian legions stationed at the city of Emesa. This coup overthrew Macrinus and placed one of Maesa's grandsons, Elagabalus on the throne. As it became apparent that Elagabalus was unfit to rule and continued to inflame the hatred his subjects by his depraved behavior and general incompetence, Julia Maesa sought to place her other grandson on the throne. On March 6, A. D. 222, Elagabalus was murdered in a coup by the army and Severus Alexander was joyously proclaimed emperor by the soldiers.

Julia Maesa continued to be a very popular and respected figure in Roman politics and society. She was so well loved by the senate and people that she was declared a god after her death.

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